Program Overview
The Consumer Psychology minor is a university minor between the Marketing Department in the Wharton School and the Psychology Department in the College of Arts and Sciences. This minor is not intended for Marketing Majors of Wharton.
Its goal is to promote the link between experimental psychology and marketing. Only with knowledge of consumer psychology can you properly connect a corporate strategy with consumers.
Additional Undergraduate Information
- MKTG Concentrations/Minors
- Course Descriptions
- Course Schedules
- Program Advising
- Undergraduate Orientation
- MUSE (Student Organization)
- Student Awards
For more information or to request admission application forms see Wharton Undergraduate Program
Overseeing Program Advising for the consumer psychology minor are:
For Marketing
Jonah Berger, Professor of Marketing
Marketing Department Undergraduate Advisor
3730 Walnut Street, Jon M. Huntsman Hall Room 768
For Psychology
Ms. Claire Ingulli, Coordinator, Undergraduate Program
Department of Psychology
Levin Building, Room 120, 425 South University Ave
Admission to the Minor – Students must apply for the minor through their respective schools, either Wharton or the College. (For the College, please contact Ms. Claire Ingulli). Applicants must have completed or be in the process of completing the statistics requirement. The respective Chair of the Minor will review and approve these applications. The Minor is not intended for Marketing Majors at Wharton.
Admission to Classes Outside a Student’s Home School – If a student has a problem getting into a section of a Wharton class, Wharton will give priority to them if they have already been admitted to the minor. There are seats reserved in Path@Penn for those who have already declared the CNPS minor in the following courses: MKTG 1010, MKTG 2110 and MKTG 2120 to make it easier for students to register for these courses during advanced registration. Seniors in the Minor who need a particular course in order to graduate on time, will be manually issued a permit to let them into a class provided that they notify the department as soon as possible after Advanced Registration that they were unable to obtain a seat through the Advanced Registration process. (Waiting until classes start to request a permit may be too late as there may be no open seats left due to the high demand for certain courses.) The Marketing Department course coordinator will be responsible for interacting with student concerns and providing them with a manual override permission to take the class.
Requirements for the Minor
To fulfill the Minor in Consumer Psychology, students must complete
- The statistics requirement.
- Four courses from the Psychology Department in the College
- Four credit units from the Marketing Department in Wharton
Both College and Wharton requirements will consist of core courses along and a set of elective courses. College students who wish to minor in Consumer Psychology must count two of the four required psychology courses towards only the Consumer Psychology minor (and towards no other major or minor).
Statistics Requirement: To enroll in the Interschool Minor in Consumer Psychology, the student must have completed a statistics course in one of four ways:
- STAT 1010: Introductory Business Statistics
- STAT 1110: Introductory Statistics
- STAT 4300: Probability
- or Any statistics course that satisfies the statistics requirement for Psychology majors. Students who have taken the Statistics AP test will not receive credit for the statistics requirement in the psych minor.
The statistics requirement may be fulfilled by a different course with written permission of the Minor in Consumer Psychology Wharton faculty advisor.
For those enrolled in the Interschool Minor in Consumer Psychology only: Any of the above Statistics courses will satisfy the statistics prerequisite requirement for MKTG 2120. Students are encouraged to take statistics in the semester immediately before taking MKTG 2120.
Psychology Course Requirements (a total of 4 courses) – (Psychology course descriptions)
- Required
- PSYC 0001: Introduction to Experimental Psychology**
- Plus one of the following
- PSYC 1440: Social Psychology or
- PSYC 2400: Introduction to Positive Psychology
- Plus one of the following:
- PSYC 1310: Language and Thought or
- PSYC 1530: Memory
- PSYC 1333: Introduction to Cognitive Science or
- PSYC 2737: Judgments and Decisions or
- PSYC 2750: Behavioral Economics and Psychology or
- PSYC 2555: Neuroeconomics
- Plus any of the above courses not used, or a 4000-level seminar in Social Psychology or Decision Making
- Required
**Note: Students who have taken the Psychology AP test and received a grade of 5 can receive a waiver for PSYC 001 (but they will NOT receive credit for PSYC 0001). The AP waiver does NOT count toward the courses required for the CNPS minor. Students who use the AP waiver for PSYC 0001 must therefore take one additional Psychology Department course from the above list of CNPS courses. This policy applies to all undergraduate students.
Marketing Course Requirements (a total of 4 credit units) – (Marketing Course Descriptions)
- Required
- MKTG 1010: Introduction to Marketing (1.0 cu)
- MKTG 2110: Consumer Behavior (1.0 cu)
- MKTG 2120: Data and Analysis for Marketing Decisions (1.0 cu)
ORMKTG 2710 Models for Marketing Strategy 1.0 cuORMKTG 4760 Applied Probability Models in Marketing 1.0 cuORMKTG 3090 Special Topics: Experiments for Business Decision Making 1.0 cu (with Marketing Department faculty advisor approval)ORMKTG 9400 (0.5 cu) and MKTG 9410 (0.5 cu) – Measurement and Data Analysis in Marketing (This is a PhD course. Students need instructor permission and a permit from the department to enroll)ORMKTG 9420 (0.5 cu) and MKTG 9430 (0.5 cu) Research Methods in Marketing (This is a PhD course. Students need instructor permission and a permit from the department to enroll)
Plus Marketing Electives totaling 1 cu (in addition to MKTG 1010, 2110, and the course taken to satisfy requirement 3 above) chosen from the list below:
Half semester courses (0.5 cu):
- MKTG 2240: Advertising Management (see notes)
- MKTG 2250: Principles of Retailing
- MKTG 2340: Idea Generation & the Systematic Approach for Creativity
- MKTG 2370: Introduction to Brain Science for Business
- MKTG 2380: Consumer Neuroscience (see notes)
- MKTG 2410: Entrepreneurial Marketing
- MKTG 2470: Marketing Strategy for Technology Platforms
- MKTG 2540: Pricing Policy
- MKTG 2680: Contagious: How Things Catch On
- MKTG 2790: AI in Our Lives: The Behavioral Science of Autonomous Technology
Full semester courses (1.0 cu):
- MKTG 2390: Visual Marketing
- MKTG 2650: Principles of Advertising (see notes)
- MKTG 2660: Marketing for Social Impact
- MKTG 2770: Marketing Strategy
- MKTG 2780: Strategic Brand Management
- Special Topics – various MKTG 3000 series (requires approval depending upon the topic)
Admission to the Minor – Students must apply for the minor through their respective schools, either Wharton or the College. (For the College, please contact Ms. Claire Ingulli in the Psychology Department). Applicants must have completed or be in the process of completing the statistics requirement. The respective Chair of the Minor will review and approve these applications. The Minor is not intended for Marketing Majors at Wharton.
Admission to Classes Outside a Student’s Home School – If a student has a problem getting into a section of a Wharton class, Wharton will give priority to them if they have already been admitted to the minor. There are seats reserved in Path@Penn for those who have already declared the CNPS minor in the following courses: MKTG 1010, MKTG 2110 and MKTG 2120 to make it easier for students to register for these courses during advanced registration. Seniors in the Minor who need a particular course in order to graduate on time, will be manually issued a permit to let them into a class provided that they notify the department as soon as possible after Advanced Registration that they were unable to obtain a seat through the Advanced Registration process. (Waiting until classes start to request a permit may be too late as there may be no open seats left due to the high demand for certain courses.) The Marketing Department course coordinator will be responsible for interacting with student concerns and providing them with a manual override permission to take the class.
Notes about Marketing electives:
Advertising Courses: MKTG 2650 (Principles of Advertising) is a one semester, 1 cu course that can be taken as an elective to satisfy the marketing elective requirement. The 0.5 cu mini-course, MKTG 2240 (Advertising Management) can be taken along with another 0.5 cu MKTG mini-course to satisfy the total 1.0 cu marketing requirement. Students may not receive credit for both MKTG 2240 and MKTG 2650.
Consumer Neuroscience: MKTG 2380 has replaced MKTG 3500 (Consumer Neuroscience – Special Topics). Students cannot receive credit for both MKTG 3500 and MKTG 2380.