Awards Received by PhD Alumni
Valeria Stourm (PhD 2016), Assistant Professor at HEC, Paris. Her publication “Stockpiling Points in Linear Loyalty Programs” was the winner of AMA’s 2016 Donald R. Lehmann Award for “outstanding dissertation-based article published in Journal of Marketing Research and was named Finalist for the 2016 Paul E. Green Award. She also won honorable mentions for the AMA Mathew Joseph Emerging Scholar Award (2015) and the MSI Alden G. Clayton Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Award (2015).
Alixandra Barasch (PhD 2016), Assistant Professor at Leonard N. Stern School of Business, received honorable mention as one of three finalists for the John A. Howard/AMA Doctoral Dissertation Award (2016).
Jeonghye Choi (PhD 2010), Assistant Professor at Yonsei University, received the Marketing Science Institute’s 2013 Robert D. Buzzell Best Paper Award for her MSI report “Distinguishing among Mechanisms of Social Contagion in New Product Adoption: Framework and Illustration”. The paper is joint work with Wharton professors Raghuram Iyengar and Christophe Van den Bulte.
Andrea Morales (PhD2002), Associate Professor of Marketing at the W.P.Carey School of Business, Arizona State University, received the AMA 2013 Erin Anderson Award for outstanding research and mentorship of junior faculty and PhD students; and the 2011 Society of Consumer Psychology Early Career Contribution Award.
Sanyoung Song (PhD 2005) was named a winner of the 2004 Alden G. Clayton Doctoral Dissertation Competition by the Marketing Science Institute for his dissertation, “Three Essays on Social Contagion and Spatial Diffusion: Evidence from Online Grocer Retailing.” Adviser: David R. Bell.
Wilfred Amaldoss (PhD 1998), Assistant Professor of Management at the Krannert School of Management, Purdue University, received the Frank M. Bass Dissertation Paper Award for his article, “Collaborating to Compete.” The article, published in Management Science, derived from Amaldoss’ 1998 doctoral thesis at the Wharton School.
Amaldoss also won the John D.C. Little Award for the same paper. The Little Award is given annually for the best marketing paper published in Marketing Science or Management Science.
Wendy Moe (PhD 2000) has been named as the Erin Anderson Award winner by the American Marketing Association. This award is given annually at the AMA Winter Educators’ Conference to a female marketing professor who has made significant research contributions in terms of publications in leading journals, and working papers under review, and has made teaching and service contributions to her department.
Rajeev Tyagi (PhD 1996), Professor of Marketing and Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at the University of California, Irvine, was named the Walter B. Gerken Chair in Enterprise and Society.