Marketing and Operations Management Major


Marketing and Operations Management are two closely interrelated functional areas in all manufacturing and service firms. This cross-functional major is designed to satisfy the strong need in industry for MBAs with in-depth training in both areas. Graduates from this major are better prepared to accept future career challenges. Examples of their first job assignment include brand managers who have to coordinate marketing and manufacturing for a particular product, project managers in consulting firms, members of new product development teams, leaders of quality management programs, or managers in the service sector with responsibility for creating and marketing new services.

A student cannot declare a Marketing and Operations joint major (MAOM) in addition to either a Marketing (MKTG) or Operations, Information & Decisions (OIDD) major.

Requirements for the Major

The joint major requires seven credit units and emphasizes the integration of the two functional areas. Students are required to take the core courses in marketing and operations management, and a marketing research course. Remaining work for the major is satisfied by taking four credit units of electives from the Marketing department and Operations, Information and Decisions department course offerings. At least one credit unit must be from the Marketing department and at least two credit units must be from the OID Department.

Requirements for the Marketing and Operations Management Major * – Total of 7.0 course units (cu):

1. Marketing Core: MKTG 6110– Marketing Management (0.5 cu)
                 and either

  • MKTG 6120 – Dynamic Marketing Strategy (0.5 cu) or
  • MKTG 6130 – Strategic Marketing Simulation (0.5 cu)

2. OID Core: 1.0 CU Effective 2021-2022, MBA students will be able to satisfy the 1.0 credit unit OIDD flex core requirement by taking any of the following classes (two 0.5 CU courses or one 1.0 CU course.)

  • OIDD 6110 – Quality and Productivity (0.5 CU)
  • OIDD 6120 – Business Analytics (0.5 CU)
  • OIDD 6130 – Online Business Models and the Information-Based Firm (0.5 CU)
  • OIDD 6140 – Innovation (0.5 CU)
  • OIDD 6150 – Operations Strategy (0.5 CU)
  • OIDD 6620 – Enabling Technologies (1.0 CU)
  • OIDD 6900 – Managerial Decision Making (1.0 CU)

3. A MKTG Research Course – One of the following MKTG courses (course sets) is required

  • MKTG 7120 – Data and Analysis for Marketing Decisions (1.0 cu)  OR
  • MKTG 7710 – Models for Marketing Strategy (1.0 cu) OR
  • MKTG 7760 – Applied Probability Models in Marketing (1.0 cu) OR
  • MKTG 8090 – Special Topics: Experiments for Business Decision Making (1.0 cu) OR
  • MKTG 9400/9410 – Measurement and Data Analysis in Marketing (must take both courses, each 0.5 cu) See note below OR
  • MKTG 9420/9430 – Research Methods in Marketing (must take both courses, each 0.5 cu) See note below.

4. Electives totaling 4.0 credit units, with

  • at least one credit unit from the Marketing Department** and
  • at least two credit units from the OID Department (additional flex-core courses (OIDD 612-615) can be included).


*    Pass/Fail: Courses taken on a pass/fail basis cannot be counted towards the Marketing and Operations major. Waivers: Students who waive a core MKTG or OIDD course, must replace it with an elective from that department.

** MKTG 8900: Students who wish to apply course MKTG 8900 (Advanced Study Project) to the major must select a topic that integrates across production and marketing. Possible topics include new product development, managing the marketing/manufacturing/product engineering interface, integrating front/back office operations in services, after-sales service, and distribution channel management.

MKTG 8900, 8930, 8950, 8970 and 8990: Beginning with the class entering Fall 2014, no more than 1.0 cu credit from MKTG 8900  (Advanced Study Project), MKTG 8950 (GLobal Business Week), MKTG 8990 (Independent Study) or MKTG 8930, MKTG 8960 and MKTG 8970 (Global Modular Courses) will count toward the Marketing and Operations Management Major elective requirements stated above. Students may combine such courses as long as the total credit does not exceed 1.0 cu.  

MKTG 9400, 9410, 9420 and 9430 are Doctoral level courses. Students need instructor permission and a permit from the department course coordinator in order to enroll. See PhD Program Advising and PhD Course Descriptions for more information.

The MKTG course taken to satisfy the requirement for “3” cannot also be applied to the Marketing requirement for “4”. Two different MKTG courses need to be taken. As long as one course in “3” is taken, “4” can be satisfied by taking any remaining course listed in “3” or any other permitted MKTG elective course.


Gerard Cachon  Fred R. Sullivan Professor, Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions, Professor of Marketing
3730 Walnut Street
543 Jon M. Huntsman Hall
Philadelphia, PA 19104

For more information or to request admission application forms, see Wharton MBA Programs