Undergraduate Retailing

 (Secondary Concentration)

Concentration Overview

The secondary concentration in retailing provides an interdisciplinary overview of the retailing industry, combining courses in core retailing skills with industry-relevant electives from Wharton and the College of Arts & Sciences.

Retailing cannot be a student’s only concentration at Wharton; students must have declared a primary concentration. Also, one course unit may simultaneously count toward the Business Breadth requirement and the retailing second concentration. However, no other double counting is allowed with any other concentration or degree requirement.

Concentration Advisor

Susan McMullen, 435B Vance Hall, 215.435.0217,  mcmullen@wharton.upenn.edu

Specific Requirements for the Concentration

Four course units (cu’s) are required for the secondary concentration, based on the following framework:

  • Retailing Core Component (1.0 cu): Introductory courses in retailing and retail supply chain management;
  • Marketing Component (1.0 cu): Selected from retail-relevant courses in marketing;
  • Operations Component (1.0 cu): Selected from retail-relevant courses in Management, OIDD, real estate and transportation;
  • Design Component (1.0 cu): Selected from retail-relevant courses in architecture, communications, OIDD, urban studies and visual studies.

Required (core component):

  • MKTG 2250: Principles of Retailing (0.5 cu)
  • OIDD 3970 or OIDD 6970: Retail Supply Chain Management (0.5 cu)

Plus one CU from (marketing component):

  • MKTG 2110: Consumer Behavior (1.0 cu)
  • MKTG 2120: Data and Analysis for Marketing Decisions (1.0 cu)
  • MKTG 2270: Marketing and Electronic Commerce (0.5 cu)
  • MKTG 2340: Idea Generation & the Systematic Approach for Creativity (0.5 cu)
  • MKTG 2410: Entrepreneurial Marketing (0.5 cu)
  • MKTG 2650: Principles of Advertising (1.0 cu)
  • MKTG 2700: Digital Marketing, Social Media and E-Commerce (1.0 cu)
  • MKTG 2780 Strategic Brand Management (1.0 cu)
  • MKTG 2880: Pricing Strategies (1.0 cu)

Plus one CU from (operations component):

  • OIDD 2200: Introduction to Operations Management
  • OIDD 2910: Negotiations
  • OIDD 3140: Enabling Technologies
  • REAL 2090: Real Estate Investment
  • REAL 3210: Real Estate Development

Plus one CU from (design component):

  • OIDD 4150: Product Design (also offered as MEAM 4150)
  • URBS 2050: People and Design
  • VLST 1010: Eye, Mind, Image